Venla Junttila
Software Developer – SoftwareI am a software designer and specialist with strong experience in Domino, server and application platforms. A common nominator in my work was first Lotus, then IBM and currently HCL Domino.
I was employed by Pinja as the result of the Netwell business acquisition. With Domino, I have worked since 1998. It is well suitable particularly to smaller application projects aiming at cost reduction compared to coding “from scratch”.
In projects, I am typically responsible not only for specification but also for design and architecture, as well as the final implementation of the application. All these take place in close cooperation with the customer.
Another great thing at Pinja is that I have received new workmates in projects. During the journey, I have familiarized myself with many different branches of industry and customers; this and great colleagues are the best thing in my job.
My blog posts
Poikkeuksellinen vuosi 2020
Vuosi 2020 on ollut monella tapaa poikkeuksellinen. Onneksi ei kuitenkaan pelkästään huonossa mielessä... #Ympäristö ei sentään ole...
Pinjalla etätyöt toimii!
On ilo työskennellä organisaatiossa, jossa hommat toimii. Varsinkin tässä etäarjessa olen oppinut arvostamaan työkulttuuria, jossa...
Domino V11
Domino V11 julkaistiin eilen. Nyt ei tarvitse edes osata ohjelmoida tehdäkseen sovelluksia Dominolla! Ja Excel-taulukon...